St Patrick’s College Sutherland student leaders have found the answer to staying focused and up beat at the end of a school week: Feel Good Fridays!

On Feel Good Fridays, students from all grades have joined dance, skipping, mindfulness colouring and band sessions to de-stress and connect. Scavenger hunts and karaoke will be among the activities offered soon.

Wellbeing captain, Bethany Schembri, said the school’s leadership team began the initiative to encourage student wellbeing, motivation and a sense of optimism among their peers.

“One little action of positivity can mean so much to one person” – Bethany Schembri

The initiative recognises how fundamental student wellbeing and a positive school environment are to students’ ability to learn and build strong relationships with others.

The whole-of-school wellbeing activities have been highly popular with students.

Bethany said the focus on building opportunities to enhance positive mental health was important as the demands of high school increased each year and students were also faced with the influence of social media.

“Overall, the feedback has been extremely positive,” she said.

“We have found that students love to be more active as a way to get their mind off the pressures of school.