We value positive relationships with parents and carers to help develop better social and emotional skills in children. We know that when children are engaged with their learning, they attend school more regularly, leading to better long term outcomes.
For parenting and counselling services, visit the Family Support page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our school, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.
The College’s means of communication used to keep parents informed of important news and college events include the newsletter, Skoolbag app, email and the Sentral parent portal.
The College hosts information evenings for different year groups, parent evenings with external guest speakers and social events such as the Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Liturgies.
Each student belongs to a pastoral class – the pastoral teacher is a person in a significant relationship of care of the student. Pastoral Care is where a formal and informal program of pastoral care operates.
Each Year team assists with the promotion of the pastoral care lesson. The Year coordinator has the specific role of nurturing the community of the Year group and overseeing the care of students in that year. Each Year team meets to review and anticipate pastoral care issues in the Year group. Each Year group builds community via retreats, picnics, fundraising for charitable works and concerts.