Proudly Part Of The Community Of Sydney Catholic Schools

Why choose us?

At St Patrick’s College Sutherland, we embrace our Catholic heritage. Our community cultivates an environment that fosters faith, courage and resilience. Each student is offered a wide range of co-curricular opportunities to extend their experiences, including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, band, competitive sport, debating and public speaking.

Our highly professional and dedicated dynamic team of teachers deliver a differentiated curriculum that meets the diverse needs, interests and learning styles of our students. At the heart of what we do is to inspire, challenge and encourage our students to be motivated, independent and persistent life-long learners.

Principal’s Message

Welcome to the St. Patrick’s College Sutherland’s website, and a warm ‘electronic welcome’ to our College community.

two hands with rosary

St. Patrick’s College has long been recognised for its commitment to providing a vibrant educational foundation for life, while upholding a Christ-centred approach to learning. We take pride in our Catholic heritage and celebrate the College’s transformation into a 21st-century co-educational institution, adept at meeting the evolving demands of academic and vocational expectations.

At the core of our mission is the Catholic ethos of service, compassion, and faithfulness, which underpins our dedication to instilling passion and integrity in our students. We draw upon the inspiration of Blessed Edmund Rice and Venerable Nano Nagle to educate young people to develop them into honest citizens and good Christians. We have cultivated a safe environment that fosters individual learning and success for all our students.

Historyour history
St Patrick’s College Sutherland
is a Catholic co-educational secondary school, operated by Sydney Catholic Schools, that has a long and interesting history in the Shire reaching back to 1924.

It was then that the Three Sisters of Mercy opened a church-school, known as St Patrick’s School, in Robertson Street with 26 primary students.

In 1928 the school moved to Belmont Street where the present church hall is located, and the Mercy Sisters reluctantly withdrew in 1950 because of expanded commitments in the Sutherland Shire. The Presentation Sisters from Wagga replaced them, and in 1953 St Patrick’s expanded with a secondary department for girls. The school was renamed to Mary Immaculate College in 1959.

St Patrick's College Sutherland - statue of St Patrick in the courtyard with studentsVision
Our motto, ‘Seek Wisdom in Christ’ was inspired by a student in 1987 when the school first became ‘St Patrick’s College’. It captures the philosophy that has always directed and encouraged the students and staff of St Patrick’s College Sutherland.

Inspired by the commitment of Nano Nagle and Blessed Edmund Rice to justice, compassion and hope, we ‘Seek Wisdom in Christ’ through:

our history

The wellbeing of our students is our highest priority at St Patrick’s College Sutherland. We pride ourselves on our nurturing a learning environment where each student’s academic, spiritual, physical and social potential may be realised. The college is fortunate to be a part of the St Patrick’s Sutherland Parish and is blessed to share the same grounds as the Parish and the Primary School’ which allows us to build a strong faith community.

Liturgies held within St Patrick’s Church,  provide wonderful occasions to celebrate and reflect on God’s great love for us. We celebrate Mass every Thursday morning for nominated classes, students and staff and join students from the Primary school to give authentic Witness to this great Eucharistic community.

Proudly Part of the Community of Sydney Catholic Schools

Our school is part of a system of 147 low-fee Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese.

Sydney Catholic Schools are thriving Catholic communities that ignite a love of Christ through excellent teaching and learning to empower students to reach their full potential.

Our school news